Virginia IS for Aging: A National Perspective on Key Issues, Challenges and Opportunities for Virginia and the Nation
Join Bob Blancato, Sandy Markwood, Jim Firman, Karyne Jones, and Dr. Yanira Cruz as they discuss the impact of the pandemic on older adults, their caregivers and their associations. Our panelists, moderated by Bob Blancato, will share their professional and personal perspectives and experiences during the pandemic and talk about what they see for the future for aging service nationally and in Virginia with an emphasis on the importance of community connections.
Robert Blancato, President, Matz, Blancato & Associates
Bob Blancato is the President of Matz, Blancato and Associates. In that capacity, he also serves as the National Coordinator of the bipartisan 3000-member Elder Justice Coalition, the Executive Director of the National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs and National Coordinator of the Defeat Malnutrition Today coalition.
Bob has long been recognized as a national advocate with policy expertise on behalf of older adults. In 2019, he was invited by both the Senate Finance Committee and House Ways and Means Committee to testify on a range of issues.
Bob’s prior work history includes 17 years as a staffer in Congress and an appointment by President Clinton to be the Executive Director of the 1995 White House Conference on Aging, one of four he has participated in. He is a member of the Senior Executive Service.
As a volunteer, he currently serves on the National Board of AARP and the board of the National Hispanic Council on Aging. In 2019, Bob began a four-year term on the National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services, appointed by HHS Secretary Azar.
Bob holds a BA from Georgetown University and an MPA from American University. Bob has won numerous awards for advocacy, most recently the American Society for Aging’s ASA Hall of Fame Award in March 2020.
Sandy Markwood, CEO, National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
Sandy Markwood is a national advocate for aging issues and a champion for ensuring that people have the best supports to age well at home and in their communities. As the CEO of the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) since 2002, she has been committed to ensuring that as a society we value and support people across the lifespan. That commitment has taken many forms including advocacy with multiple Administrations and on Capitol Hill for the passage of legislation aimed at supporting older adults including access to critical information, in-home services, and caregiver support.
A passionate advocate, Sandy and her organization have launched campaigns focused on combating social isolation of older adults, preventing elder abuse, promoting nutrition and healthy aging and engagement no matter your age, exploring new transportation and housing options as we age, among others. Her goal and the goal of n4a is to ensure that we all have the ability to age with good health, independence, and the quality of life we all deserve. Aging isn’t just about adding years to our lives…it’s about adding life to those years.
Prior to coming to n4a, Sandy served as the Director of County Services at the National Association of Counties for 20 years supporting county efforts in health and human services.
She also served as a Project lead at the National League of Cities and as an Assistant to the County Executive for human services in Albemarle County, VA.
She holds a BA degree in history and a Master’s degree in Urban Planning from the University of Virginia.
Jim Firman, Co-founder and Chief Innovative Officer BellAge Labs, former President & CEO, National Council on Aging
For more than 40 years, James Firman, Ed.D., has been a leading force for innovation in services, programs, and public policies for older adults. As president and CEO of the National Council on Aging for 25 years and CEO of the United Seniors Health Cooperative for 10 years, Firman was a national leader in consumer education, benefits access, economic security, healthy aging programs, and public policies for older adults.
Jim is currently Co-Founder and Chief Innovation Officer of BellAge, a non-profit organization with a mission of democratizing artificial intelligence to help millions of people to age well.
Karyne Jones, President and CEO, National Caucus and Center on Black Aging
Karyne Jones is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Caucus and Center on Black Aging, Inc. (NCBA) based in Washington, DC. NCBA is the largest minority focused aging organization recognized as the leader in senior housing, employment, health and advocacy on behalf of minority seniors.
Prior to becoming NCBA’s CEO, Karyne was Executive Director of Federal Relations for SBC Comminutions (now ATT). She was elected and served eight years as State Representative in the Texas Legislature representing San Antonio and prior to that, was an elected Board member of the East Central Independent School District.
A native of San Antonio, Texas, Karyne is a graduate of Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta, Georgia with a BA in Political Science, a master’s degree in Public Administration from Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, Illinois and a second master’s degree in Public Administration from Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Karyne currently serves on the national boards of directors for Alzheimer’s Association, Generations United, Center for Innovation, Leading Age and Immediate Past Chair of the Board for the American Society on Aging. She is also an Adjunct Professor at Stetson University School of Law, Gulfport, Florida.
Dr. Yanira Cruz, President and CEO, National Hispanic Council on Aging
Dr. Yanira Cruz is the President and CEO of the National Hispanic Council on Aging. She focuses on providing the Latino perspective on public health, older adult and caregiver issues to increase policy-maker and public understanding of the needs impacting vulnerable sectors of our society and to encourage the adoption of programs and policies that equitably serve everyone.
To further these efforts, Dr. Cruz serves on the National Senior Citizens Law Center, is a member of the American Society on Aging (ASA) for more than 10 years, and is a member of the Leaders of Aging Organizations (LAO). She is also a founding member of the Diverse Elders Coalition. Recently, Dr. Cruz was named one of the top 50 Influencers in Aging by Next Avenue. Dr. Cruz is an appointee serving on the Advisory Council on Alzheimer’s Research, Care, and Services, which advise the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.
Dr. Cruz received her Bachelor of Science in Biology and holds a Master’s degree in Public Health and a Doctorate in Public Health with a specialty in global health from The George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services.
Learning Objectives
Attendees will learn how the pandemic has disproportionately impacted older adults and caregivers across different demographics.
Attendees will learn how the pandemic impacted support services and those who provide them and how that sector pivoted to actively respond.
Attendees will learn how the issues identified by the pandemic will impact the future of aging services especially at the community level.


It’s a New Day! Healthcare is moving more services into the home
One of the most important healthcare findings over the last 20 years has been that there are a number of factors, beyond what happens at the doctor’s office, that influence health. Healthcare professionals acknowledge that what happens in the home – housing, transportation, meals, and other services – along with incorporating social determinants, is critical to overall wellness. We will discuss ways physicians, insurers, and home and community-based service providers can align to support high quality, high-value patient care. We will explore strategies to leverage the powerful energy of these entities when they intersect to improve patient care, achieve greater value, lower healthcare costs, reduce emergency department use and hospital readmissions. We will also learn about what patients want. The value of patient and caregiver perspectives are often underestimated or overlooked. Participants will learn about how barriers that limit patient engagement were met and the rewards of patient engagement toward improving health.
Kathy E. Vesley, President & CEO, Bay Aging/VAAACares
Barry L. Gross, M.D. Medical Director, VAAACares Vice Chairman, Bay Aging Board of Directors Medical Director, Precise Telehealth
William S. Massey, President & CEO, Peninsula Agency on Aging, Inc.
Learning Objectives
Attendees will learn how Social Determinants of Health can be quantified as to their impact on Population Health.
Attendees will learn the basis of Community Integrated Health Network and emerging opportunities for partnerships between health providers and AAAs/CBOs.
Attendees will learn the impact of new service lines and future opportunities in telehealth.
So Far Away: Addressing Social Isolation During the Pandemic and Beyond
Experiencing social isolation and loneliness is not unique to elderhood though the COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately impacted the social connections of older adults. Across the country, states and communities have responded to social isolation with innovative strategies to reach older adults and support activities that strengthen belonging. Join ADvancing States and the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services to learn about strategies and practices being implemented in states across the country, nationally, and right here in Virginia to help connect older adults with family and friends, programs and services, and technology access to mitigate social isolation, support connections impacted by the pandemic, and build resources for the future.
April Young, MSW, Senior Director, National Core Indicators – Aging & Disabilities, ADvancing
Nanette Relave, MSW, Senior Director, National I&R Support Center, ADvancing States
Sara Link, Director of No Wrong Door Virginia, Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services
Erika Okonsky, No Wrong Door Expansion Specialist, Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services
Learning Objectives
Enhance their understanding of the health, mental health, and service utilization impacts of social isolation and loneliness
Gain insight into diverse strategies that can address social isolation
Learn about No Wrong Door Virginia’s Social Health Connector, a national award-winning solution that engages individuals in a person-centered conversation on social connections and social health.
Virtual Exhibit Hall
Join the following exhibitors to learn more about what they do!
AARP Virginia
Aging Life Care Association
Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens
Bankers Insurance
State Corporation Commission
Senior Connections
Virginia SMP
Southern Pharamacy Services
Virginia Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
How Virtual Reality Helps Us Train Better & Faster During Crisis
In this presentation, attendees will learn about and experience first-hand the benefits of using immersive training tools designed especially for people who care for and support older adults. Discover the ways that engaging with immersive training in VR can accelerate learning, lead to deeper understanding of aging and older adults, and allow caregivers to develop rapid insights that lead to significant changes in workplace behaviors, habits, and attitudes, including:
Stronger emotional and cultural intelligence
Better practical understanding of person-centered care
Stronger communication and conflict resolution skills
Greater confidence in providing care
Co-Founder Erin Washington of Embodied Labs, the leader in immersive training for aging care organizations, will talk about the learning science behind embodied training and share how virtual reality is being used to develop cutting edge training programs across multiple industries, saving companies time and resources, and leading to better satisfaction among employees. You will hear about how care communities for older adults have used immersive, embodied training for staff in all roles and levels of their organization including:
How they were able to leverage immersive training in the midst of a global pandemic
See some of the data from their use of these modules
Get a chance to “see inside the headset” and participate in immersive learning by embodying an older adult in virtual reality
Erin Washington, Co-Founder of Embodied Labs​
Learning Objectives
Learners will be able to identify ways that using immersive training to train is effective during a time of crisis – like a global pandemic.
Learners will be able to identify ways that they can implement embodied training in their organization or community.
Learners will be able recognize ways that immersive training has given them unique insight into the first-person experience of aging.
Liveable Communities that Promote Community Access, Inclusion & Engagement
Livable communities for older adults must include the needs and interests of persons aging with disabilities to facilitate broad-based community access, inclusion and engagement. Identifying shared interests between aging and disability communities and building collaborative relationships between stakeholder groups is critical to this process. More than a decade ago, The National Advisory Board on Improving Health Care Services for Older Adults and People with Disabilities (NAB) issued “Six Principles to Modernize the Health Care Infrastructure” which was widely distributed within the healthcare fields and to state and federal policy makers. The future depends upon creating livable communities that support all levels of functional need throughout the life course. Specific focal areas include recognizing the importance of service and supports, technology, and environmental accessibility to foster social inclusion; emphasizing the significance of self-determination and self-advocacy; and integrating other concepts from the social disability movement into the livable community framework. We will share outcomes from the Anthem NAB supported study that engaged people with disabilities and older adults living in Houston to collect insights into accessibility and livability and related projects as examples. Through these efforts, we aim to enhance community capacity and collaboration to support livable communities for all.
Merrill A Friedman, B.A., Sr. Director, Disability Policy Engagement, Anthem, Inc
Michelle Putnam, Ph.D., Professor Simmons University
Learning Objectives
Participants will learn about the updated six foundational principles to improve and modernize the healthcare infrastructure developed by and for people with disabilities and older adults.
Participants will learn about example approaches for including people with disabilities and older adults in city, housing, healthcare, and emergency planning
Participants will learn about example solutions for community living for older adults and people with disabilities
Meditation and Mindfulness with Sanvello’s Ted Meissner, hosted by United Healthcare
Ted Meissner (“MICE-ner”), is a Mindfulness Teacher at Sanvello, the top-rated mental health app for stress, anxiety, and depression. He has been teaching mindfulness for over twenty years, is a Certified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Teacher, and created the UMass Medical School MBSR live online program. In addition to his work leading mindfulness for Sanvello team members, partners, and clients, he holds Masterclasses for teachers through Oxford University, hosts international teacher programs with Jon Kabat-Zinn, and teaches MBSR for Harvard University research studies. Ted has been published in Mindful Leader, Perspectives on Psychological Science, Mindful, and The International Journal of Whole Person Care, and is the host of the podcast Present Moment: Mindfulness Practice and Science.
Older Adult Bullying in Congregate Settings from Senior Apartments to Nursing Homes: Reducing Older Adult Bullying is Possible
While much has been publicized about the benefits of socialization for older adults, little has been revealed about the dark side of social dynamics when older adults congregate: Older Adult Bullying. This presentation will discuss what is known in about this phenomenon and what does not and does work to reduce it.
Karen Hannigan, LCSW, Supervisor, Aging, Disability and Caregiver Resources Unit, Fairfax County Department of Family Services
Learning Objectives
To define what bullying is and is not in order to identify it correctly
To understand dynamics among targets, bullies and bystanders
To identify staff actions that may unwittingly increase incidents of older adult bullying
To expose attendees to possible remedies
How Access to Health Care by Mobile Health Units Can Improve the Lives of Medically Underserved Patients in Virginia
Access to care for the underserved is a problem across Virginia, but is especially problematic for our most vulnerable populations, including older persons. The Health Wagon is the oldest mobile clinic in the nation, providing mobile health services to the medically underserved in Southwest Virginia since 1980. During this session, participants will learn how the Health Wagon has expanded its use of mobile health units for older persons to include specialty clinics such as behavioral health, cardiology, endocrinology as well as diagnostic testing for cancer. Session participants will also hear highlights from the recently released America’s Health Rankings 2020 Senior Report, which provides a comprehensive look at the health of seniors on a state-by-state basis.
Paula Hill-Collins, DNP, FNP-BC, FAANP, Vice-president/Clinical Director, The Health Wagon
Dr. Teresa Tyson, DNP, MSN, FNP-BC, FAANP President, The Health Wagon
Learning Objectives
Mobile Health
Primary and Specialty Care / Health Outreach Events
Redefining Community: How JABA Congregate Programs Re-Emerged during COVID-19 Crisis
When COVID-19 struck, program operations halted.. This propelled JABA Managers & Center staff to quickly redefine these critical programs while incorporating critical socialization components. The newly developed At Home with JABA Program captures what is distinctive and critical about our congregate Community Senior Centers and delivers it creatively while utilizing various mediums of connectivity, delighting all involved. The program was formalized in December with the name At Home with JABA. It has helped us stay connected with members and keep members engaged with one another. Since March we have incorporated Zoom and Facebook Live. We have an activity calendar that is sent out monthly to members which includes bingo 3x a week, exercise, nurse presentations, and a wide variety of presentations from our partners. All these programs can be accessed from the comfort of our senior’s homes via phone or internet. This program reaches well over 300 of our CSC members and will be reaching our 200 HDM clients starting in April. Whether you are homebound or independently navigating the community, this program has a little bit for everyone. With our different methods of interaction, we are able to reach seniors no matter their comfort level with technology or internet access. If internet is not a problem we have Zoom, Facebook and emails for them to access as well. Eventual technology will be offered as well as training opportunities. JABA’s programming goal is to challenge participants with new ideas, opportunities and experiences to promote brain health, in addition to physical and mental health. Workshop participants will learn how these congregate CSC programs pivoted on a dime to deliver programming, meals and most importantly, joy and community during a time when isolation was a requirement and how this can be implemented in their own agency.
Crystal Donovan, Coordinator for Senior Nutrition At-Home programs
Emily Foreman, Manager of Senior Nutrition Programs
Learning Objectives
Learn the components of the At Home with JABA Program so participants are able to understand required aspects of virtual programming.
Understand the benefits of incorporating partners in the development and delivery of programming focusing on benefits of partnership collaboration.
Share brainstorming activity with participants so they can walk through how their agency could implement similar virtual program and/or make their current virtual program more successful.
Combatting the Demise of Older Adults at The Hands of Opioid Abuse & Misuse
Arlington’s Virginia Insurance Counseling and Assistance Program (VICAP) provides free, unbiased, confidential health insurance counseling for Medicare beneficiaries. Annually, the Open Enrollment Period is a time when beneficiaries can change their Medicare Advantage and Prescription drug plans (Part D). During the 2019 season, VICAP invited beneficiaries to bring their list of medications and partnered with the Arlington Addiction Recovery Initiative (AARI) to offer information about safely discarding unused or unneeded opioids and other medications. AARI is a community wide stakeholders’ group that combats the opioid epidemic. AARI focuses on prevention, community outreach, increasing access to treatment, data collection, and sharing resources. VICAP invited AARI to present at monthly Medicare classes and provide education to the community about the importance of properly disposing unused medications. AARI supplied VICAP with resources about safely disposing unused and expired medications through permanent drug takeback boxes and home disposal kits that were distributed to beneficiaries during Medicare counseling. Because of the partnership between VICAP and AARI, both programs have gained a greater awareness of and access to older adults who are at higher risk of having unused medications. This is a partnership that we plan to continue beyond the open enrollment season.
Michelle Thomas, Program Coordinator, Virginia Insurance Counseling and Assistance Program (VICAP)
Emily Siqveland, LPC, Co-Coordinator, Arlington Addiction Recovery Initiative
Learning Objectives
Obtain an understanding of Arlington County’s AARI and VICAP Programs
Develop an understanding of how unused prescriptions can be abused and misused
Develop an understanding of the impact of opioid misuse in Arlington County
Caregivers Create
Valley Program for Aging Services has been offering ‘Confident Caregiver Mini-Retreats’ since the summer of 2020. These virtual retreats are a time for caregivers to socialize, engage in self-care practices, and create small, lovely arts and crafts. This session will emulate this experience while discussing the merits of this form of caregiver respite. Participants will gain access to resources, helpful tips regarding the virtual aspects of the retreats, and ways to welcome those who may feel less artistically inclined. Here are the supplies requested for participants to have available:
4-5 sheets of different colored scrapbook paper in which the colors blend to your liking
glue stick
blank card
cut out image that will become the focal point of the card (flower, butterfly, sun are some ideas)
Kathy Guisewite, Coordinator of the Caregivers Community Network, Valley Program for Aging Services
Learning Objectives
Participants will become aware of the merits of art in stress relief for caregivers and how it serves as a form of respite.
Participants will gain access to resources that support art projects for beginners.
Participants will learn ways to invite and engage those who might be apprehensive of artistic endeavors.
Transportation for the Aging: What do you do when you need help getting around? Three innovative community mobility programs from Virginia, Florida, and Ohio.
When it comes to community mobility, Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) / rideshare options can be challenging for aging riders. What happens when you can’t get to the vehicle on your own? What if you are uncomfortable with technology? How do you make sure drivers know how to help aging riders and people with special needs? How do you make sure trips are completed on time so people have the right access to critical appointments? We’ll briefly review the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) Type 2 TNC designation and the requirements for a higher level of care TNC, while introducing the Adaptive TNC Model. Then we’ll share three real-world examples of successful community mobility programs assisting the transportation disadvantaged, the elderly, and others from three states including Virginia.
Ned Freeman, EVP Marketing & Community Relations, UZURV
Learning Objectives
What is a DMAS Type 2 TNC?
What is an Adaptive TNC and how does it serve aging populations effectively?
Gain insights from three innovative community models assisting the aging across three states, including Virginia
Virtual Exhibit Hall
Join the following exhibitors to learn more about what they do!
AARP Virginia
Anthem HealthKeepers Plus
Bankers Insurance
Dominion Energy
State Corporation Commission
Senior Connections
Virginia SMP
Valued Relationships, Inc.
Virginia Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
Let’s Disrupt Ageism and Develop Elderhood!
In this creative and highly interactive session, participants will have the opportunity to dive to a deeper level of culture change in order to bring about more person-centered practices in long-term supports and services (LTSS). Participants will be guided by experienced facilitators in an exploration of their own attitudes to growing older using a brief video intervention. This will create a powerful motivation to actively contribute to the development of ageism-free LTSS that honor and seek to fully develop elderhood as a growth life stage. Following the video exercise, participants will learn about the key findings from empirical research on how ageism manifests in LTSS. Facilitators will then support participants in brainstorming and generating practical ideas for creating and maintaining LTSS cultures that honor personhood and elderhood and which disrupt ageism. Participants will leave the session with a list of innovative and achievable strategies and practices they can apply in their LTSS organizations in order to promote a healthy and safe environment free from ageism and where elders can thrive and grow.
Jenny Inker, PhD, VCU Assistant Professor & Co-Director, Assisted Living Administration Specialty Area
Jenny Inker is an assistant professor and the co-director for the NAB-accredited assisted living administration specialty area in the Virginia Commonwealth University College of Health Professions Department of Gerontology. Her research interests include elderhood and disrupting ageism in healthcare and long-term care. A gerontologist, licensed Assisted Living Facility Administrator, and experienced leader in senior living and affordable housing environments in the United States and United Kingdom, Jenny holds an MS in Strategic Management and Housing from the University of Wales (Cardiff), an MBA from George Washington University, a Masters in Gerontology and a PhD in Health Related Sciences from Virginia Commonwealth University.
Jen Pryor, MA, MS, VCU Gerontology Program Director & Co-Director, Assisted Living Administration Speciality Area
Jen Pryor is the program director for the VCU Department of Gerontology and the co-director for the NAB-accredited assisted living administration specialty area. She also serves as an instructor, advisor, and supervisor to students who are in pursuit of their license as an assisted living administrator. In addition to these roles, she speaks and trains at the national, state, and local levels on various topics related to the long-term care continuum. Jen has a Masters in Gerontology and is pursuing her PhD in Health Services Organizations and Research, both from VCU. She also holds a valid Virginia License as an Assisted Living Administrator.
Learning Objectives
Understanding about the harmful impacts of ageism that are manifested into the systems designed to support elders
Ability to identify ageist systems and structures that act as barriers to growth and development of elders within LTSS organizations
Awareness of innovative and achievable strategies and practices that can be applied in LTSS organizations to combat ageism

Seniors With Hearing Loss:
Keeping Them Connected hosted by CapTel from T-Mobile
The options provided by CapTel from T-Mobile. Captioning phone solutions for every situation.
Shakeenya Carter
Emmanuel Mckeever
Intersections of Diversity and Ageism
Recognition and validation of our core identities are integral to optimal aging and longevity. And we all have multiple levels of identity; and these identities often intersect. Gender identity, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, regionality and so many more. And when these unique levels of identity intersect with ageism…? These are opportunities for conversations about how to be supportive of diversity and inclusion when met with these opportunities and challenges.
Jay White, EdD, MSG, Director of Advocacy and Education, The Longevity Project for a Greater Richmond
Learning Objectives
An increased understanding of the concept of intersectionality
An increased understanding of ageism and its relationship to intersectionality
An overall understanding of cultural competence and sensitivity related to sexual orientation and gender identity
Aging Together - Age Friendly Communities that Actively Engage, Value, and Support Older Adults
Aging Together connects people with resources and communities to improve quality of life as we age. As one example, this past year, Aging Together has responded to the pandemic with innovative approaches to addressing social isolation.
Ellen Phipps, CTRS, MS, Executive Director, Aging Together
Learning Objectives
Gain an understanding of a model for connecting older adults to community resources
Learn 2 strategies for developing community partnerships for enhanced outreach to older adults and caregivers
Learn 2 innovative approaches to addressing social isolation
Learn about a model for volunteer engagement
Virtual Exhibit Hall
Join the following exhibitors to learn more about what they do!
Honoring Choices
My Senior Center
No Wrong Door
​United Healthcare
Virginia Association for Home Care and Hospice
Virginia Housing
Virginia Relay
Valued Relationships, Inc.
Senior Housing – Trends, Issues, and Options hosted by Virginia Housing
This session will provide a high level over view of the trends and issues of senior housing in today’s market along with a discussion of the current options available.
The Pandemic: Inside Looking Out and Outside Looking In
This interactive panel presentation and discussion will cover the challenges and real-life issues faced by those experiencing the pandemic in nursing homes and assisted living facilities (ALF) since March 2020. Many of us have some knowledge as family members, ombudsmen, facility staff, and/or individuals working with seniors. What has it really been like for those on the inside looking out? What has been the worse part of being “locked away” and quarantined? What have these incredible individuals learned? How have they changed? Looking back a year later, what do they wish had been handled differently?
Carol Cooper Driskill, Long Term Care Ombudsman at Crater District Area Agency on Aging and daughter of a resident in an ALF Memory Care Unit.
Teresa Kelsey, long time Administrator at Petersburg Home for Ladies, a non-profit residential and ALF founded in 1925.
Melanie Brooke, a Master’s level prepared special education teacher and advocate who resided in a nursing home from March 2019 until November 2020. She now lives in her own apartment and loves her senior life.
Deborah Connor, a resident at a nursing home since January 2018 who hopes to transition to her own apartment in the future.
Learning Objectives
The participant will learn from two nursing home residents, what it’s been like to be on lockdown.
The participant will learn from an ALF administrator, the innovative practices implemented and the effect on residents, family members, staff, and COVID-19 in the building.
The participant will learn about the challenges experienced by family members as shared by a daughter and long term care ombudsman.
The participant will be able to ask questions and have them answered by the panelists.
The Impact of the BRI Care Consultation Program to Support Persons with Memory Loss and Their Caregivers
This session will present two care coordination models for people with dementia and their caregivers currently in use in Virginia. Both interventions, delivered over a 12-month period, coordinate health care and community services while providing education and emotional support. Care consultants, typically social workers, counselors or nurses are trained in dementia and available resources. The programs are available at the UVA Memory and Aging Care Clinic and the Riverside Center for Excellence in Aging and Lifelong Health. The interventions are provided through home visits, clinic visits, phone, mail, and/or email. Both programs use modifications of the Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging (BRIA) Care Consultation program, an evidence-based tool for persons with memory loss and a primary caregiver who assists with daily tasks and health-related matters. Both programs will be discussed including the populations served, specifics of the models and lessons learned, particularly as these programs continued operations during the pandemic.
Christine J. Jensen, PhD., Director, Health Services Research, Riverside Center for Excellence in Aging & Lifelong Health
Terry Sweaney, LPN, CGCM, CSA, Dementia Care Consultant, Riverside Center for Excellence in Aging & Lifelong Health
Samantha Fields, Dementia Care Coordinator, University of Virginia
Elizabeth Boyd, Dementia Care Coordinator, UVA Memory and Aging Care Clinic
Carol Manning, Ph.D. ABPP-CN, Director Memory and Aging Care Clinic, Harrison Distinguished Teaching Professor of Neurology, University of Virginia
Learning Objectives
Outcomes for caregivers and persons with memory loss participating in this program in the Commonwealth
Challenges and opportunities with managing a care consultation program
Differences in the models
Statewide potential for sustaining the effective work of the care consultants.
Virtual Exhibit Hall
Join the following exhibitors to learn more about what they do!
Aging Life Care Association
Alzheimer's Association
Anthem HealthKeepers
Dominion Energy
Southern Pharmacy Services
United Healthcare
Virginia Assistive Technology System
Virginia Housing
Virginia Relay
Challenges and Opportunities in Addressing Elder Abuse During the Pandemic
The pandemic has restricted and often prevented access to long term care facilities for families, the Ombudsman, and investigators. This has made the prevention, detection, investigation, and prosecution of elder abuse much more difficult. This multi-disciplinary panel of investigators will discuss the challenges each of them face in detecting, investigating, and prosecuting elder abuse during the pandemic. The panelists are an Investigative Supervisor and Nurse Investigator in the Elder Abuse Unit of the Office of Attorney General’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, the Long-Term Care Ombudsman, and an Intake Coordinator from Adult Protective Services for Albemarle County. They will describe their roles in investigating and prosecuting elder abuse and advocating for elderly persons and their loved ones, and how their missions and roles overlap and diverge. They also will provide suggestions for professionals who serve the elderly community about how to prevent, detect, and report elder abuse even when access to facilities is limited or unavailable. The panel discussion will be facilitated by Lelia Winget-Hernandez, a former Assistant Attorney General in the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, and current elder law attorney.
Lelia Winget-Hernandez, Elder Law Attorney
Howard J. Hicks, Investigative Supervisor, Office of the Attorney General
Lisa Abraham, Nurse Investigator, Office of the Attorney General
Tamar Goodale, Long Term Care Ombudsman (Jefferson Area Board of Aging)
Kristina Robertson, Intake Coordinator, Albemarle County Adult Protective Services
Learning Objectives
Identifying agencies/professionals who address elder abuse in our community and their roles and responsibilities.
Understanding the challenges the pandemic creates for professionals who investigate, prosecute or litigate elder abuse cases.
Tips for addressing elder abuse generally, but particularly during the pandemic or when in-person visitation may be restricted
The Intersection
The Intersection connects affordable housing, transportation, health care and support services. AASC’s different departments collaborate to create unique partnerships. All of these services contribute to communities for the future. AASC will illustrate how their mission — to advocate, plan, develop, implement and promote independence with a high quality of life for healthy aging that benefits individuals and families of all ages in a sustainable, livable community — is at work in their Senior Living Community. AASC owns and operates a mobile home park that provides housing for seniors aged 55 and older and adults with disabilities. Units are reserved for low-income seniors with risk criteria such as health issues, homelessness, or extreme social isolation. As part of the livable community concept, program components are not limited to housing. That’s where AASC’s support services fill in the gaps and address the social determinants of health. AASC also operates the public transit system providing handicapped accessible transportation to grocery stores, doctors, shopping and community activities. Appalachian Agency’s rural PACE program provides inclusive care for the elderly, including an on-site medical and physical therapy clinic. This session will explain opportunities to engage community partners that will contribute to the overall success of the livable community.
Regina Sayers, Executive Director, Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens
Brian Beck, CFO, Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens
Learning Objectives
Establishing and engaging new partnerships
Learn how to “intersect” services for aging population
Learn how to address social determinants of health
Changing the Culture of Care for African Americans Living with Dementia
Optimizing brain health for Virginians requires eliminating disparities in access to care, resources and services while addressing the social determinants of health. Improving the health of Virginians best happens by focusing on communities at greatest risk and eliminating barriers to quality healthcare services, especially in the areas of brain health, disease prevention and health promotion activities. Alzheimer’s and other dementias disproportionately impact African Americans and Hispanics. Eliminating these disparities is integral to public health. This session will showcase the worth the Alzheimer’s Association and the Virginia Department of Health’s Office of Health Equity to ensure their faith-based coalition members, healthcare providers and community health workers are educated on Alzheimer’s, brain health and the potential to reduce the rise of cognitive decline. The most recent data show that an estimated 140,000 Virginias aged 65 and order are living with Alzheimer’s disease; 8.9 percent of Virginians aged 45 and older have subjective cognitive decline; and 462,000 family caregivers bear the burden of caring for a family member with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia. These numbers show that a public health approach is necessary to lessen the burden and enhance the quality of life for those living with cognitive impairment and their families.
Linda G. Brown, PhD, RN-BC
Katie McDonough, LCSW, Alzheimer's Association, Southeastern Virginia Chapter
Tina R. Thomas, MSHP, CDP, CADDCT, Alzheimer's Association, Greater Richmond & Central and Western Virginia Chapter
Learning Objectives
Learn the impact of Alzheimers Disease Dementia on African Americans and Hispanics in Virginia
Learn effective strategies for engaging faith communities to enhance awareness and access to care
Learn how to leverage community engagement to expand reach and impact
Collaborating to Embed Falls Prevention Programs into the Community: Transitioning in the Presence of COVID-19
Evidence-based falls prevention programs that utilize volunteer lay leaders provide cost-effective mechanisms to address the epidemic of falls in older adults. A Matter of Balance (AMOB), Stay Active and Independent for Life (SAIL), and Otago Exercise Program are evidence-based programs proven to be effective in reducing fear of falling and falls in older adults. In 2016 Marymount University was awarded a federal grant to embed these programs into northern Virginia. Using the RE-AIM framework (Reach of the programs, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance), this presentation will discuss our outcomes and lessons learned, including challenges and opportunities, in implementing these programs within the region, especially in the presence of COVID-19. We will use the embedding of SAIL within the community as a specific example. We will also describe the development and role of the Northern Virginia Falls Prevention Alliance (NVFPA) in creating sustainable community partnerships, establishing awareness campaigns, engaging in advocacy activities, and facilitating collaborative efforts to sustain fall prevention programs across our region. In order to enhance the health of older adults in Virginia, it is critical for organizations to collaborate and encourage community members to work together to offer effective falls prevention programs to all older adults.
Cathy Elrod, PT, PhD, Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, Marymount University
Sara Pappa, PhD, MCHES, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Specialist, WI-HER, LLC
Rita Wong, EdD, PT, FAPTA, Marymount University
Learning Objectives
Participants will gain knowledge about how to embed evidence-based falls prevention programs in a community in which none were previously located.
Participants will learn strategies to transition programs, specifically SAIL, into a virtual delivery format while encouraging diverse older adult participation.
Participants will understand how community partnerships were developed and maintained to enhance collaboration across community members in northern Virginia.
Virtual Exhibit Hall
Join the following exhibitors to learn more about what they do!
Appalachian Agency for Senior Citizens
Alzheimer's Association
Honoring Choices
My Senior Center
Virginia Coalition for the Prevention of Elder Abuse
Virginia Association for Home Care and Hospice
EnergyShare: Four Decades of Providing a Helping Hand
to Those Most Vulnerable hosted by Dominion Energy
This facilitated session will talk about Dominion Energy’s EnergyShare program and its emphasis on serving as a resource for seniors across the Commonwealth. Attendees will learn about the program’s eligibility guidelines, its community engagement initiatives, and how to connect their clients to the resources provided by the program.
Nikki Taylor, EnergyShare Program Manager, Dominion Energy
Accessing Services in a Digital World: Supporting Older Adults’ Technology Use
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted service delivery to older adults and persons with disabilities. Aging and disability agencies have used technology in innovative ways to continue to offer services. ADvancing States conducted a survey to explore how states have had to alter service delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic. Survey results found that technology access has been critical in ensuring older adults receive the support they need during the pandemic. However, the shift to virtual services has exacerbated issues with the long-standing digital divide. Join ADvancing States and Virginia’s Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services and Assistive Technology Act program to learn about the current landscape of technology access and how the Virginia No Wrong Door system and AT program are partnering to ensure older Virginians and people with disabilities are staying connected to services during the pandemic.
Catherine Macdonald, No Wrong Door Project Specialist
Sonja Schaible, VATS AT & Aging, Access Coordinator
Paula Martin, No Wrong Door AT Specialist
Samantha Gardner, Senior Policy Associate
Learning Objectives
Describe the landscape of technology access during the COVID-19 pandemic and challenges that states face in using technology to deliver services
Explain how the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services and the state Assistive Technology Act program have partnered to make technology accessible for older adults and individuals with disabilities
Name resources in Virginia that connect older adults and individuals with disabilities to needed services through No Wrong Door (NWD) Direct Connect.
Working Together to Promote Brain Healthy Communities in Virginia
Recent research supporting the positive impact of healthy lifestyles in reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease has offered hope for the future. It has shown explicitly that healthy lifestyles around physical health and exercise, diet and nutrition, cognitive activity, and social engagement may reduce our risk for Alzheimer’s disease. In this interactive program, we will share the latest research and provide information about a new collaborative effort between the Virginia Alzheimer’s Association and Virginia Department of Health to educate and promote healthy lifestyles. We will share ways you can be involved in this effort, too. We will also discuss practical strategies for addressing each lifestyle habit and explore ways community agencies, businesses, and senior care organizations at all levels of care can work together to encourage brain-healthy lifestyles and support brain health initiatives.
Denise Scruggs, MA, MS, CDP, CADDCT, Director, Beard Center on Aging at the University of Lynchburg
Annette Clark, MS, Gerontologist, CDP, Family Services Director, Alzheimer's Association - Central and Western Virginia Chapter
Learning Objectives
Identify the reasons why it is important to take care of oneself as one ages using research and evidenced based information surrounding four key pillars including cognitive activity, physical health and exercise, diet and nutrition, and social engagement.
Explain the importance of collaborating with other resources and services to distribute educational information to various populations with a focus on diversity and inclusion of all groups.
List potential partnerships within communities to support the program.
Implement programming in communities to support brain health initiatives.
Financial Exploitation: How to Prevent Abuse By People Who Make Decisions for You
Vulnerable older adults needing surrogate decision makers (i.e., powers of attorney, guardians, representative payees) typically rely upon others for care and are unable to advocate for themselves. The issue of elder abuse perpetrated by surrogates has become highly visible nationally, yet no reliable, empirical documentation exists on the nature or extent of exploitation by surrogate perpetrators. In collaboration with the National Adult Protective Services Association (NAPSA), we prospectively gathered Adult Protective Services data from six geographically diverse counties on 450 substantiated cases of abuse by POAs, representative payees, and guardians of vulnerable adults 65+ living in community settings. This presentation will highlight how surrogates perpetuated abuse its outcomes on elder victims. A legal perspective on the findings informs practice and policy recommendations for better prevention and intervention in these challenging cases.
Pamela B. Teaster, Ph.D., Professor and Director, Virginia Tech Center for Gerontology
Christopher Desimone, Esq., Anderson, Desimone & Green, PC
Learning Objectives
To describe and distinguish among types of surrogate decision makers
To discuss considerations in selecting surrogate decision makers and ensuring that they carry out your wishes
To explain the scope of financial exploitation and how it can be prevented
Social Determinants of Health: Stable Housing of Older Adults before, during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic
Just 10-20% of our health status relates directly to medical care; social factors such as housing stability account for 80-90% of how healthy we are, and during a pandemic, housing plays an even more significant role in keeping older adults healthy and safe. In this panel session, participants will learn about the intersection between housing and health including efforts to improve housing stability among older adults before, during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Pamela Kestner, Chief Deputy, Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development
Jovan Burton, Director of Implementation, Partnership for Housing Affordability
Learning Objectives
Comprehend the role that social determinants of health such as housing play in the longevity of older households
Understand how local, state, and federal efforts address the intersection of housing and health
Assess how the pandemic impacted older households in terms of health and housing differently than other age groups.
COVID-19 in Geriatrics: Brain, Behavior and Disparity Concerns
Since the beginning of 2020 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) has exacerbated pre-existing health disparities, impairing successful aging. It has been the epicenter for death is long-term care (LTC) facilities with less than 1% of Virginians accounting for 36% of all fatalities. The disease has exacerbated the pre-existing epidemic of fatal behavioral health disorders. COVID-19 has caused a variety of neurological complications and post-acute COVID-19 behavioral and neurological syndromes. These issues will be discussed in detail along with the need for more LTC/Community/Family behavioral health training; as well as the formation of Vaccine and Behavioral Health Ambassadors (Champions), especially for underserved communities.
Paul F. Aravich, Ph.D., Eastern Virginia Medical School
Learning Objectives
Identify COVID-19 and health disparities impairing successful aging.
Evaluate dementia, depression and SUDs as pre-existing risk factors.
Analyze acute neurological consequences and access routes for the aging brain.
Identify the COVID-19 behavioral health epidemic and its impact on long-term care.
Determine postacute brain/behavior problems in older persons.
Describe the statewide long-term care “Wellness/Crisis Work Group.”
Propose regional vaccine/behavioral health Community Ambassador Coalitions.
It Takes a Village - Three Villages in Northern Virginia respond to the 2020 Pandemic
Villages are local, community-based non-profits whose volunteers provide services and support to help older adults stay in their homes and community as the challenges of aging make that more difficult. Three villages in Northern Virginia will share their experiences helping seniors during the pandemic, including how they re-tooled and pivoted in response to COVID-19, expanding their reach and impact. Village members and volunteers connect to enrich their lives, enjoy mutual interests, and serve the needs of each other and the community. Together, they form a vibrant village with a culture of caring that enriches the aging experience in their community.
Village goals are to:
Promote independent living by providing services and support
Reduce social isolation through access to social, educational, and wellness activities •
Strengthen community connections through volunteer service
Provide a single point of contact for information and services needed for independent living • Contribute to the peace of mind of members and their families
Serve eligible county residents, regardless of ability to pay
More so than ever in 2020, basic services were desperately needed by seniors. These three villages operated continuously through 2020 pivoting to help at-risk seniors and deepening community partnerships to strengthen the senior safety net.​
Wendy Zenker, Executive Director, Arlington Neighborhood Village
Cele Garrett, Executive Director, At Home in Alexandria
Jan Buchanan, Executive Director, Mount Vernon At Home
Learning Objectives
Participants will be more familiar with Village services and support, including identifying resources to help them start a village in their community
Participants will appreciate the flexibility and responsiveness of community-based organizations as they faced the challenges of a pandemic
Participants will better understand how volunteer recruitment, engagement and recognition strengthen village operations during especially challenging times
Participants will be able to adopt strategies to increase engagement and reduce social isolation through simple means of telephone communication and more sophisticated technology tools.
AARP’s Livability Index hosted by AARP Virginia
How livable is your community? The Livability Index scores neighborhoods and communities across the U.S. for the services and amenities that impact your life the most. Join Jana Lynott, Senior Strategic Policy Advisor at AARP’s Public Policy Institute, to learn more about this valuable tool. The AARP Public Policy Institute informs public debate on the issues we face as we age, promoting policies to address our common need for economic security, health care, and quality of life.
Jana Lynott, Senior Strategic Policy Advisor at AARP’s Public Policy Institute
Innovative Geriatric Mental Health Treatment in Long Term Care Communities
The RAFT (Regional Older Adult Facilities Mental Health Support Team) program is an innovative geriatric mental health treatment model that is changing the way care is provided to older adults with mental illness or dementia with challenging behavior. As of 2020, one in seven Virginians will be over the age of 65, people more prone to dementia-related diseases. Many need long term care placement in an assisted living or nursing home. The RAFT treatment model is designed to support older adults with mental illness and dementia with challenging behavior diagnoses to thrive in their long-term care communities.
Alice Straker, LCSW, RAFT Program Director
Ndidi Uzowihe, MSW, Mental Health Therapist, Supervisor in Social Work
Learning Objectives
RAFT fills a vital need and provides intensive mental health services for older adults in long-term care settings in their communities. RAFT works to normalize mental health diagnoses as a medical condition.
The ongoing success in discharging older adults from Piedmont Geriatric State Hospital and local hospitals to closer-to-home, less restrictive nursing homes and assisted living facilities in Northern Virginia.
Providing trainings and case consultations for staff in long-term care facilities and other community partners. The result is a skilled and knowledgeable workforce with resources to create positive outcomes for residents, while increasing community partners’ willingness and ability to serve this high-risk population.
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought so much change and anxiety into our clients’ lives. RAFT has pivoted during the pandemic to provide telehealth services so there is continuity of mental health services.
Low-Cost Home Modifications to Prevent Falls
If we are concerned about protecting seniors from falls, we need to identify and correct fall hazards in their homes. Rebuilding Together Arlington/Fairfax/Falls Church has developed an effective system for identifying and correcting fall hazards in low-income seniors’ homes. In fact, our Rebuilding Together Express program won the Commonwealth Council on Aging’s top statewide Best Practices award in 2018. In completing repairs to 218 homes, we’ve documented the strikingly high prevalence of fall hazards in our low-income clients’ homes. More importantly, we’ve demonstrated that relatively simple and low-cost repairs, modifications, and equipment can correct most of these hazards. Our small teams of RT Express volunteers correct 95% of fall hazards through half-day projects spending less than $500 for materials. We believe our Rebuilding Together Express model is ripe for replication by programs that rely on staff, contractors, or volunteers to make home modifications and repairs.
Don Ryan, Rebuilding Together Arlington/Fairfax/Falls Church
Lucy Stein, MSOTR/L, CAPS MedStar Health
Learning Objectives
Name five fall hazards that are common in many seniors’ homes.
Name five home modifications to reduce fall risks that cost less than $100 in materials.
Name three recent technological advances that improve fall safety interventions.
Building Capacity to Respond to Behavioral Health Needs of Older Adults in Virginia
The Virginia Geriatric Education Center (VGEC) partnered with the Virginia Association of Area Agencies on Aging (V4A) to identify, deliver, and evaluate training events this fiscal year targeting behavioral health. The VGEC surveyed leadership among V4A members. Behavioral health education was the highest priority statewide. Several Area Agencies on Aging CEOs attending a VGEC meeting further defined behavioral health and the types of education that would be most relevant for their particular staff. We learned they define behavioral health broadly (including anxiety, depression, substance misuse, post-traumatic stress, etc.). We developed a 3-part webinar series to address identified needs. The first part used the Older Adults Behavioral Health Profiles for Region 3, published by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to guide our curriculum and incorporated new data on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on older adult’s behavioral health. The second part used the SAMHSA’s Get Connected: Linking Older Adults with Resources on Medication, Alcohol, and Mental Health toolkit as a roadmap and addressed communication, screening and referral for behavioral health concerns. In part 3, the National Council on Aging shared evidence-based programs used successfully by the aging network to address behavioral health concerns. We provided the training for three cohorts with five AAAs participating. After each series, we conducted rapid cycle Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) to improve the series. This presentation will be directed to VGCOA attendees, and highlight the overall themes of the three webinars, in a one-hour showcase of behavioral health strategies targeting older adults, in a post-pandemic world.
Faika Zanjani, PhD, Associate Professor in Gerontology, Virginia Commonwealth University
Kathleen Cameron BSPharm, MPH, Director, National Falls Prevention Resource Center
Jennifer Mathews, BS, Education and Evaluation Coordinator, Virginia Geriatric Education Center
Leland “Bert” Waters, PhD, Associate Director, Virginia Center on Aging
Learning Objectives
Participants will be given a brief overview of recent data on the impact of the pandemic on older adults' behavioral health
Participants will receive skills and tips to use in your daily work to identify behavioral health concerns, improve communication, reduce stigma and help individuals get connection to resources and support
Participants will be provided with a review of evidence-based programs, best practices and emerging models to address common behavioral health concerns among the older adult population that could be implemented
Protecting Older Adults from Fraud and Financial Loss
During the pandemic, older adults have been targeted and disproportionately affected by various fraud schemes and identity theft. Though fraud has grown across all demographics, there are certain scams which are more likely to affect older adults. In addition, financial loss associated with these scams is, in some respects, greater for older adults. This session will explore the top frauds affecting seniors in 2020, examine the financial toll on seniors for those frauds and discuss way in which seniors can protect themselves from future victimization.
Shawn L. Smith, Director, Virginia SMP
Learning Objectives
Identify the top 3 fraud categories affecting seniors during the pandemic
Understand the key methods of contact resulting in senior adult financial loss due to fraud
Recognize steps seniors can take to protect themselves from the most prevalent schemes
Closing Keynote
Diversity, equity and inclusion are more important than ever in our aging communities. During COVID-19 Virginia’s aging services network saw what can happen when a particular population is “left behind.” Our aging networks are working harder than ever to support older adults and their caregivers. What is the Commonwealth doing to provide leadership and support for service providers. Dr. Underwood will discuss the impacts experienced across the aging community in Virginia and on the networks that support them (professional & family) and how the Commonwealth is addressing the DEI issues that have been revealed and emphasized by the pandemic.
Dr. Janice Underwood, Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer, Office of the Governor, Virginia